Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How are we supposed to celebrate Easter?

This question has been rattling around in my brain for the last month.  How would Jesus want me to celebrate his death and resurrection?  Easter eggs, candy, new clothes, a bunny.  Is that what he had in mind?  I highly doubt it.  Living in the country and time that we do, it is hard to celebrate a holiday without big business getting their profit too.

So far, I'm planning to make a sweet baked good in the morning with a side of bacon, giving the kids each a chocolate cross for their Easter gift and then having an Easter egg hunt.  Sometime this week we'll be dying our eggs for the hunt and then on Sunday evening we'll be having our Easter ham dinner with all the fixins.

How do you celebrate Easter?


  1. This year our church is having a neighborhood egg hunt and we'll be doing that. It's gotten over the top enough that I wish I didn't even have to go...I'd rather go to our afternoon soccer game...alas, I'm the pastor's wife so my choices are limited. Anyhoo, Sunday we will have church as usual, come home, have a nice lunch of sweet and sour brisket, new potatoes, salad, and sweet tea. Maybe some cupcakes. We'll all get more dressed up than usual for church and be all matchy-matchy...well, as close as we can get. DH and boys are wearing purple shirts and ties, temp daughter is wearing a frilly gold dress, and I have NO clue what will go on me; something to tie purple and gold together. ;)

  2. I love the lettered eggs=)...I struggle year to year with this very question! Happy Easter~Hollie

  3. We celebrated Easter last weekend with my parents. I think Easter is about being around ones you love and Easter egg hunts :) Happy Easter!

  4. Did you take that photo?? So cute!

  5. I love the eggs too, but I just found the pic on Google :)

    I hope everyone's Easter was wonderful, ours was!
